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Heart Beats

00:00 / 00:48

Dear Father God,
Thank You for the heart that is listening right now. I don’t know where you are in your walk. As I pray, I want to speak into the heart listening, a renewed spirit that anticipates the days ahead, not with dread but with delight. For as a daughter or son of the Light, I declare that you are not broken. You are not dirty. You are not worthless, for you have been bought with a price and that price was worth it for your life. You are enough. You have always been more than enough. No matter the voices that may say the opposite, You, Father God, said You made them in Your image and what You see, You love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Your Loving Kindness

00:00 / 00:52

Dear Father God,

I don’t know the battles Your children are facing, but I know when we turn those problems over to You, Father God, You are able to calm all of their internal bothers. I’m asking for their eyes to see the goodness all around them. Widen their view. Let them see beyond this realm into more of what You continue to uncover around the next faith lead door. I ask You to show up mightily when they pray specific prayers to seek Your goodness. It’s been amazing to see Your goodness displayed in creation, Father God. For Your loving kindness is all around us. Even through every battle, You are in control. I pray for peace. I pray for relief. I pray for release. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Daughter of the King

00:00 / 00:41

Dear Father God,

I come against the spirit of fear that so easily ensnares you. You are a child of the King. I pray you finally believe it. I pray you receive it. Fear, you have no hold on me! You are free. For whom the Son sets free is free indeed! Free from bondage. Free from a stolen identity. Free from comparison. Free from the perception of others. Freedom is liberating. Liberty is sinking down deep right now. May you receive His Holy Ghost power. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


00:00 / 00:56

Dear Father,

I come against all the lies that have been tearing me down deep inside. For you are enough, and you will be all right. The parts that you may feel are broken inside are actually a portal for God’s power to be manifest right here and now. Your weakness is the perfect position for You, Father God, to send down His provision. You are not a token, and you will never be broken. Thank You, Father God, for the perspective that your brokenness is the beautiful thing inside of me. No matter the pieces that might have been shattered, You will gather them all. You will bring order where there has been chaos. You will bring peace where there has been pressure. You will be there. You are here right now. Jesus, may they feel Your presence surrounding them. May it transfer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Treasure Holder

00:00 / 00:50

Dear Jesus,

Be close to this beautiful heart listening. Come closely, Father God, to those who earnestly seek You. Help them see who or what they have been given, which is their ball of light. Father God, I also ask that all the should’s within would be replaced with the would’s. It’s time to begin again. It’s time to feel love within. It’s time to believe this joy, rising up, can be sustained. You are the Sustainer. You are the Treasure Holder. Thank You, Father God, for tending to the garden of our hearts. Thank You for the many tears You have collected throughout the years. These tears are being collected and one day they will be resurrected. Amen and amen.

Sinking Sand

00:00 / 01:09

Dear Father God,

I come to You for anyone who has gone through a loss. I feel their loss, Father. Help me and the one listening to see from eyes of eternity. Help us flip our perspective to receive all the gifts You have for us in a time that feels extra shaky. Father, I repent for standing on the love of people and not on my Heavenly Father. I ask for You to reorder our love order. I come against any idols in our lives that have become first place in our hearts and minds. Reveal to us in time, the things that are not from You. Help us release what is no longer serving us in this season, and to get back to our first love. And if they don’t know what that first love feels like, Father God, please send Your love all over them right now. Surround them with Your wrap-around-presence. You are the one I adore. May we stay close. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


00:00 / 01:03

Dear Father God,

I pray for a heart of gratitude. A heart that we can feel Your presence, even when the circumstances are not in our favor. For no matter the days we face, You keep sending down Your rays. Thank You, Father God, for a discerning heart. Thank You for guiding Your daughter and son into a deeper relationship with You. Also, Father God, I want to speak into infertility. For this story of Rachel and Leah has not stopped happening. I come against the lies of the enemy that try to hijack one’s thoughts. I come against shame. I come against doubt. I come against body shaming when it seems things are not working rightly. You are not broken. You can trust the process you are being taken through. For no matter how it ends, You will be there, until the end. So, until then I will praise You, The Lord. Amen and amen.


00:00 / 00:50

Dear Father God,

First of all, thank You for giving us Your Word to grow in the knowledge of who You are. This has allowed us to grow in our relationship with the Trinity. Psalm 139 is all about being intimately known from the inside out. You knew us Father, and You are still getting to know us now. Thank You that as we mediate on Your Spirit Word, things start to burn inside. May we let You inside of us, so You can burn to the core of us. Everything IS going to be all right, for with You, there is nothing else to feel but fully known. Fully seen. Fully comforted. We can trust You, Father, to be our beloved Comforter. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


00:00 / 00:53

Dear Father God,

Thank You for the delight of rising up and calling You King. To honor You as King has changed me from here until eternity. Father, that is what I pray for an anticipation for honoring You to run through the veins of those listening. May they feel a fresh unction to obey the impression within and the words that pop off the page. If someone needs a retuning, do the recalibrating right now. You do whatever it takes to get them where they need to be. Full of faith. Full of goodness and mercy. Full of Your healing presence. May we desire more than just a good word on a Sunday. For our desire is for something deeper sent into our hearts by You. No short cuts. Only eternal droplets. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


00:00 / 00:54

Father God,

I pray for Your refining fire to start stirring as I’m speaking. Father, I’m asking for Your manifest presence to be present right now. I ask they sense a burning inside to know they are discerning from the Divine. May it start rising up on the inside as I’m speaking. Help Your daughter and son to keep the fire burning. May they rekindle the flames within by staying connected to Your Spirit, no matter what is happening around. It’s their responsibility to keep stoking this fire with the flame of love. May Your love blow deeper and further within them, and penetrate more than any other Fruit of the Spirit. It is our mandate to blow our flames on our neighbors without fear. For Your love, Father, is too good to not share it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Psalm 23

00:00 / 01:09

Dear Father God,

At first, I felt this was my prayer to You, but as I sat in Your presence longer, I feel it is Your prayers back to me. So, right now for the one seeking Your presence, may they come and stay. Be there with them, Father. This chapter is another one about death and the healing seen on the other side. It’s hard not to cry when you have experienced this kind of loss, Father. So, here’s my tears, I’m asking for You to be near to the hurting soul. To be near to the one not understanding why they had to go. To be near to the one still trying to figure out how to move on when their loved one has been sent to worship at Your feet. Be near all the tears that have fallen. Be near the anger within. Be near to the fears and doubt that can creep up in the most random moments. Be near to the sadness. Be near to the grief that loves to creep slowing around us like a pet. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


00:00 / 01:44

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for this story of a woman who got desperate enough to take a risk that not only healed her but changed her forever. One touch stopped 12 years of suffering. Father, I believe in Your touch. It’s tender. It’s gentle. It’s peaceful. It’s calming. And it’s near. You can handle all of our fears. You can handle all of our disappointments. You can handle all of our past mistakes. You were made to carry these heavy weights. So, I surrender them to You on this day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


So Jesus,

May the stories read in these pages draw them to Your loving kindness. May Your loving kindness lead Your daughters and sons to repentance. If they do not have a relationship with You, the Father of light, I want to take this opportunity to pray over them right now.


Dear Jesus,

I know that I am a sinner. I surrender all my heavy weights to You. I believe You are the one true God. I want to follow You the rest of my days. I want to experience all You have for me. Help me to see the way towards Your eternal home. Keep me close to Your heart, Father. Help me sense Your presence. Help me feel Your goodness. Help me see Your creation with eyes of kindness. Allow me to experience Your wonder, Your grace, Your love, In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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Image by Fa Barboza

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