To equip widows on a path together towards a new start with a new finish.

To create a national community of widows empowering one another.

To develop eternally minded resources focused on grief education, expression and empowerment.
A place to learn. A place to share. A place for intentional care.
The Widow Walk was birthed out of a need to create a community for widows and widowers to lean on each other and also glean from the wisdom of the other.
If you are a widow or widower, “You belong here and it’s safe to shed a tear.”
We are here to WALK WITH YOU through the many growth plates in this special journey of processing life when our heart aches.
Story is a strong component within this virtual home. We would love to meet you and hear your Widow Walk Story. Here we will provide opportunities for walks, zooms, local talks, and even literary expressions of the heart by sharing moments of meaning in the midst of our daily grieving. We have found grieving together is so much better.
If you have some time to glean from fellow widow warriors, head on over to our By Widows, For Widows page. There you will find, how-to guides, warrior stories, a directory, and devotionals...for it’s a well that will never run dry. This will be updated on a regular basis with heart scribing offerings from familiar faces.
May you feel seen within these pages of stories and faces. May you receive healing in hard to reach places. May you remember that your life has significance, for we believe you’ve been gifted a new start with a new finish.
Let’s WALK this new start together.