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Writer's pictureMicah N. Dillon

Repairers and Restorers

Last night, I was reading the kids version of Sarah Young’s devotional book Jesus Calling with my daughter. This was the passage at the top of the page:

“And the LORD will continually guide you, And satisfy your soul in scorched and dry places, And give strength to your bones; And you will be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.”

Isaiah 58:11 AMP

It reminded me of a song Stella, my daughter, wrote back in the spring to bring me comfort when my grandmother passed away. What a treasure to receive a gift from your daughter that’s original and intentional with song writing and melodies. I hope to record it with her in the studio very soon. It goes like this:

Where in my bones do I feel alone

In my home, in the place that I know is safe

Where in my home do I feel alone

In that place that is home and safe

Where in my bones do I feel ok

It’s ok to be ok and home and glad today

That I’m strong and ok

And I have that love today

That love today

And I have that love today

I have strongness in my bones

I have gladness in my bones

I have sadness in my bones

It’s ok to be ok. (x3)

I recorded her final thoughts on my phone memo. Stella said, “This song is about the bones that feel like home. You don’t have to be scared anymore. Because in the bones there is strongness, gladness and sadness, so I don’t need to be scared anymore and you don’t either.”

In the Jesus Calling devotional for today, it said this statement: Needing Me is the key to knowing Me better. And knowing Me better is the greatest gift of all.

This takes me to a song. 🎼 Love is the greatest gift of all. Love is the greatest gift of all. With God’s love in my heart, I can be a shining light, for love is the greatest gift of all.

(Below is the link to this song. I hope you enjoy this oldie, but goodie. At least for me it is.

When reading over the passage in Isaiah, this was the next verse:

“And your people will rebuild the ancient ruins; You will raise up and restore the age-old foundations [of buildings that have been laid waste]; You will be called Repairer of the Breach, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.”

Isaiah 58:12 AMP

This stopped me in my tracks. While watering my plants this summer, I heard the words repairer of the breach. I have been pondering that ever since. In The Passion Translation, the last two lines read like this: “You will be known as Repairers of the Cities and Restorers of Communities.” The footnotes say that repairers of the cities are repairers of the gap. And, the restorers of communities are restorers of paths that lead you home. This is the Elijah ministry of restoration. Wow!

I hope something in these words speaks to your heart about being an active agent that participates in the restoration in your communities. Every act of kindness effects your community in a positive way.

The final verse of this chapter is all about the Sabbath. Since I’m writing this blog on a Sunday, I feel compelled to include it.

If you stop pursuing your desires on my holy day, and refrain from disregarding the Sabbath, if you call the Sabbath a delightful pleasure and Yahweh’s holy day honorable, if you honor it properly by not chasing your own desires, serving your own interests, and speaking empty words, then YOU WILL find the joyous bliss that comes from serving Yahweh. And I will cause you to prosper and be carried triumphantly over high places of the land. You will enjoy the heritage of Jacob, your ancestor. Certainly the mouth of Yahweh has spoken it.

Isaiah 58:13-14 TPT

Well, there is a lot here. There are different nuggets all from a Jesus Calling devotional that I was able to unpack and hopefully bring a little something to you, my menders, today.

One last thing that hit me this week is that I believe we are in a season of interceding more than a season of sitting in a seat receiving. We’re going into the last month of this year to intercede for our seeds and cities. It’s time for all the seeds that have been planted in our hearts to sprout. It’s time for them to become activated. It’s time for growth.

Dream, my menders, dream. Dream and speak into the unseen until those things become seen from our creativity.

Here’s to life, liberty, and the in-betweens!! Amen and amen.

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