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Writer's pictureMicah N. Dillon


Today, I want to talk about REST.

R - Relax

E - Elevate

S - Simple

T - Truth

We spend very little time resting and Jesus sometimes has to get our attention to force our hand to rest. Rest has a rhythm and it’s unique for each person. Do you think the Father ran out of energy while creating the world? I don’t think so. I think He chose the 7th day to rest to make a point. Pay attention folks. Even I choose to rest. How much more do you need to rest? Resting in His presence. Resting in His grace. Resting in His mercy. Resting is gazing at His face.

So, I’m going to breakdown this acorynm.


How do you relax? Let me know the way. I would love to get your feedback in the comments below to know what rest means to you. How do you rest? How do you feel His presence?

One way I relax is by reading while sitting on my porch. Reading His word outside with the breeze, the sun, the birds, and the noises all connect me to His presence. It recharges me to feel present again.


I feel like I get rest when I elevate my thoughts to be God thoughts and have my desires focused on His. It helps me to elevate my spirit to see beyond what is to what can be. This is part of rest and renewal. When you rest in His presence it renews your mind to a higher level of thinking. I mentioned this in last week's blog as well.


I feel relaxed when I can keep things simple. Why do we all feel like we have to make everything an Instagram highlight reel or make our life look so grand? Simple is good for me. It’s simple to eat some sweet watermelon, but it makes me happy. It’s simple to give a hug, but it makes me happy. It’s simple to sit on the porch with a fresh cup of coffee, but it makes me happy. It’s not the grand things that makes me happy anymore. It’s the simple things. The simple life is a restful life. Free from stress. Free from worry. Free from anxiety. When you release, you feel His peace.


I rest when I can base my foundation on truth and not on “what if” scenarios. His truth when I read it helps me release it. What am I releasing? All the burdens of the day or week or month or year that haven’t been cast onto Him. He is strong enough to handle all of our cares at the same time. A Good Father can handle the pressures of this life.

This takes me to the lyrics of the first song I ever wrote called The Joy of the Lord.

"I look to you for help. For the pressures of this life bear down on me. I look to you for help. So, let your presence come and blow through me. Let your presence come until I am free. For the Joy of the Lord renews my strength. The Joy of the Lord renews my strength. The Joy of the Lord. The Joy of the Lord is my strength.

"So, let it go, let it go!!"

“My heart and soul explode with joy—full of glory! Even my body will rest confident and secure.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭16:9‬ ‭TPT‬‬

A part of rest is letting it all go! How do you fully let go? By trusting our Heavenly Father with your daily burdens. He has our best interest at heart. I have seen Him show up for me again and again and again. It’s overwhelming to think He really cares about the details of our small lives, but HE DOES!! The Father wants you to come to Him for rest. He awaits our return to Him for help. When we call on Him, His presence comes. Again and again. It’s a gain to rest! It’s a gain to surrender. It’s a gain to remember. Remember, on the 7th day, even our Heavenly Father rested.

Here is what I wrote on my chalkboard on a wall in my laundry room:

Please, let me hear from you! I want to grow this community of senders and menders. Your stories matter in sharing the goodness of our God in the land of the living. We are still living, breathing, and having our being.

And remember, you can bring your cheer and smile from ear to ear.

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