Happy May!! This month I’m going to be writing about wives, a two week discovery through Proverbs 31, an ode to woman everywhere, and three stories on King David’s wives.
King Lemuel’s royal words of wisdom: These are the inspired words my mother taught me.
-Proverbs 31:1 TPT
If you want to read the full passage, here is a link: https://www.bible.com/bible/1849/PRO.31.TPT
I, however, want to focus mainly on the verses from 10-31. I found a deeper interpretation in The Passion Translation and it just brought me to tears. So, when it’s just so good that I can’t contain it all, I have to release it with a pen. There is so many footnotes here, so I’m going to walk you down the verses with my summary at the end. Let’s begin.
Verse 10
“Who could ever find a wife like this one.” Starting with verse 10 through the end of the book, we have Hebrew acrostic poem. It is alphabetical in structure, with each of the 22 verses beginning with a consecutive Hebrew letter of the alphabet. The implication is that the perfections of this woman would exhaust the entire language. I Love THAT! The subject is the perfect bride, the virtuous woman. This woman is both a picture of a virtuous wife and an incredible allegory of the end-time victorious bride of Jesus Christ, full of virtue and grace.
“She is a woman of strength and mighty valor!” The Hebrew word used to describe this virtuous wife is khayil. The meaning of this word cannot be contain by one English equivalent word. It is often used in connection with military prowess. This is a warring wife. AGAIN, I LOVE THAT. Khayil can be translated “mighty; wealthy; excellent; morally righteous; full of substance, integrity, abilities, and strength; mighty like an army.” The wife is a metaphor of the last-days church, the virtuous, overcoming bride of Jesus Christ. The word khayil is most often used to describe valiant men. See Ex. 18:21 where it is used for the mighty ones Moses was to commission as elders and leaders among the people. Because many of the cultural terms and metaphors used in this passage are not understood or even used in today’s English-speaking world, the translator has chosen to make them explicit.
“She’s full of wealth and wisdom. The price paid for her was greater than many jewels.” (or “her worth”) The price paid for her was the sacred blood of the Lamb of God, her Bridegroom.
I’m going to add something here.
The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” -Genesis 2:18 NIV
The word helper in Hebrew means Ezer (healer, aid, strength); doing something for someone that they cannot do for themselves. She is a contender and a warrior on his behalf. I learned this last year at a woman’s conference.
Suitable means kenegdo in Hebrew. One who stands in front, opposite to; not letting one go anyway you want it go.
Let’s read it again to understood this in context: “It is not good for a man to be alone. I will make an Ezer Kenegdo for him.”
Ezer - side by side
Kenegdo - face to face
When a couple understands their royal roles as sons and daughters of the king, and when tension arises between the two (which it will), they understand they are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against the prince and powers of the air. They understand there is an enemy and it’s going to take both working side by side and face to face in communion with the Father to face the challenges ahead of them. They fight from the victory, not for the victory. They don’t tear each other down. They work together to tear down the spiritual warfare trying to come between them. The highest level of relationship is when a couple has harmony together and are also both equally staying connected to the Father. It requires both, in this LIFE, to sustain harmony in this land.
Verse 11
“Her husband has entrusted his heart to her,” (or “has great confidence in her”) “for she brings him the rich spoils of victory.” Are you starting to see a beautiful picture forming here?
Verse 12
“All throughout her life she brings him what is good and not evil” (Virtuous bride will not bring disgrace to his name. Jesus will not be ashamed to display her to the world.) Can’t you see a father and daughter relationship here, where he is doting over her and putting her on display? But also, what a level of love and passion for a husband and wife as well. He is honored to display her and she is also honored to walk with him through the streets. At least that’s how I see it.
Verse 13
“She searches out continually to possess that which is pure and righteous.” (or “wool and linen [flax]”). Wool is a metaphor often used as a symbol of what is pure. Isa. 1:18; Dan. 7:9; Rev. 1:14. Linen was made from flax and always speaks of righteousness. The priest of the Old Testament wore linen garments as they went before God‘s presence to offer sacrifices. The curtains of the tabernacle were likewise made of linen, signifying God‘s righteousness. See Ex. 28:39-43 and Rev 19:8. The virtuous bride of Christ in the last days will be seeking for only what is pure and righteous in the eyes of her Bridegroom.)
“She delights in the work of her hands.” (or “eagerly works with her hands.”) The hands, with their five fingers, speak of the five ministries of the present work of Christ on the earth: apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors, and teachers. These are often referred to as the five-fold ministries. Her delight is to equip others to help those in need.
The word eagerly stood out to me, so here is a little more understanding in the Strong's Hebrew 2656: 1) delight, pleasure 1a) delight 1b) desire, longing 1c) the good pleasure 1d) that in which one takes delight.
Verse 14
“She gives out revelation-truth,” (or “bread.” This is a consistent emblem of spiritual food.) YUMMY!) “to feed others.” This is about HER SPEECH.
“She is like a trading ship bringing divine supplies,” (or “supplies from far away.” The implication is from another realm. She is bringing heavenly manna for those she feeds.) “from the merchant” (or “like merchant ships bringing goods”). Like a ship loaded with cargo, the bride of Christ brings heavenly treasures to others. The use of the term merchant points to Jesus Christ. He is described as a merchant in Matt. 13:45 in the parable of the costly pearl. The “pearl” is the church or the believer, which cost all that Jesus had (his blood) to purchase us.
Can you see the action this woman takes for she can’t delay serving her fellow man? Not just with deeds, but with revelation of speech. Her words bring nourishment, refreshing, encouragement, delight and wonder. She feeds as she receives. 🍞
Verse 15
“Even in the night season,” (she is interceding in the night, laboring in a night season to help others. SHE IS WARRING FOR THE PEOPLE SHE LOVES.) “she arises,” (The Hebrew word translated “arise” can also mean “to rise up in power.” We are told to “arise and shine for our light has come.” See Isa. 60:1, which uses the same Hebrew word for “arise.” The bride of Christ will rise with anointing to feed and bless the people of God.) “and sets food on the table for hungry ones in her house and for others.” (Or “female servants.” The servants are a metaphor for other churches and ministries.)
I have learned that hunger is just as much a spiritual thing as it is a natural thing. Have you ever felt empty/hungry emotionally? Have you ever walked away from a conversation and felt more depleted than when you started the conversation? This is a sign of their spiritual state and yours if you are aware to it.
Verse 16
“She sets her heart upon a nation,” (or “a land, a country.”) “and takes it as her own, carrying it within her.” (DID YOU KNOW, YOU CAN CARRY NATIONS WITHIN YOU?) “She labors there to plant the living vines.” (or “by the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard”.) The Septuagint is “possession.” For the hands, see 31:31 footnote. This vineyard becomes a metaphor for the local church. We are the branches of the vine (Christ). See John 15. She is passionate about bringing forth fruit. She becomes a missionary to the nations, planting churches and bringing new life. LOVE THIS SO MUCH.
Verse 17
“She wraps herself in strength,” (or “She guards her loins with strength and makes her shoulder strong.” This is a figure of speech for being anointed with power to do the works of Jesus. See John 14:12.) “might, and power in all her works.”WHAT A POWERFUL VERSE. 🤯 THIS IS NO MEEK WOMAN. SHE IS A WOMAN OF STRENTH AND POWER IN ALL HER WORKS!
Verse 18
“She tastes and experiences a better substance,” (or “good merchandise.”) “and her shining light will not be extinguished, no matter how dark the night.” (Her prayer life (lamp) overcomes her circumstances, even in a culture were darkness prevails.)
WE ARE a city on the hill. 💡
There is a line at the end of a worship song where the leader spontaneously says, “You can’t turn out the light on the inside!” It makes my insides shakes every time. I will link it here. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XF9DDNRNd-c
(Minute 9 is when things start to get really good. Please watch those last four minutes and if you make it through without tearing up, good luck.)
Verse 19
“She stretches out her hands to help the needy,” (as translated from the Septuagint. The Hebrew uses a term for “distaff” (a weaver’s staff), which is taken from a root word for “prosperity.” The poetic nuance of this phrase is that she uses her prosperity to bless the needy.) “and she lays hold of the wheels of government.” (Or “Her hands grasp the spindle.” The word translated as “spindle” can also mean “governmental circuits” or “wheels.” There’s a hint here of the wheels mentioned in Ezek. 1. The throne of God‘s government sits on flaming wheels. See Dan. 7:9.)
Ladies, government is just as much for you as it is for a man. This passage makes me believe governmental order will not be without it. We are experiencing firsts for woman right now in Washington and beyond. What a time to be alive!
Verse 20
“She is known by her extravagant generosity to the poor, for she always reaches out her” hands (notice the mention of her hands. See footnote on 31:31.) “to those in need.”
Her hands—Strong's Hebrew 3027: 1) hand 1a) hand (of man) 1b) strength, power (fig.) 1c) side (of land), part, portion (metaph.) (fig.) 1d) (various special, technical senses) 1d1) sign, monument 1d2) part, fractional part, share 1d3) time, repetition 1d4) axle-trees, axle 1d5) stays, support (for laver) 1d6) tenons (in tabernacle) 1d7) a phallus, a hand (meaning unsure) 1d8) wrists.
Well folks, this one was a full body experience to dig into. Part 2 is next week. How meaty is this passage? Have you ever heard or understood the woman in this light? I know I haven’t, yet it feels sooo right to my core.
This is a woman living fully alive, understanding her roles and rights. She is not ashamed of the gospel, for she walks with revelation light inside of her and lives all her days responding to that revelation.
May we BE her!
May we GREET her!
May we RAISE her!
Until next time,
Stay Tender
Connect to the Mender
Be a Sender