I had this thought for today. This is shorter than my usual posts, but I would like to hear back from you about how you have been marked by Jesus.
Do you have a memory of going about the routine of your day and something happened that turned it into a day you have never forgotten?
This one day may have felt like a little bit of heaven on earth, or maybe it was a day of grief that since has been marked as Jesus has restored you.
Can one day change you?
Can one day make a difference?
Can you hope for one day?
Is being hopeful wishful thinking or is hope attached to faith and a part of how you get from here to there?
“And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us!”
Romans 5:5 TPT
Every day counts. Every day has the opportunity to access God’s endless love cascading into our hearts. You have the opportunity to make impact. You can pack your day or you can give space for your day to impact you. It is up to you to make the choice.
I have found when you make space to embrace God, He will surprise you with His grace for this race of life. So, grace grace to you today. Grace grace, I speak into your day!
I would love to hear from you about the one day that marked your life. I cannot wait to read your comments.
Keep bringing your cheer and smiling from ear to ear.
#MarkedByJesus #MyMendedHeart #Inthesendingcomesthemending